Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Resolution 2 - Drop 23 Pounds in 104 Days - Almost, But Not Quite

According to my first entry under resolution 2, I had 104 days and 23 pounds to go on my quest t o get to 170 pounds come race day of Fargo Half Marathon. I sought to accomplish this by giving up pizza and fast food during that timeframe and just trying to generally eat better all together and amping up my running.

It is almost judgment day, I am 100 days in, and only four days to go until the half marathon so I thought I would post my progress thus far as I could see myself easily neglecting to do so in the final days of prepping up for the big race! So unfortunately it looks like I am going to miss my goal. When I started this goal, I was at 193 pounds, I weighed in today at 178. I guess I can go sit in a sauna for a few hours and just hardcore sweat off those remaining eight pounds, but that just would not sit well with me. Still though, dropping 15 pounds in 100 days still seems a little impressive in my book and it will greatly help me to perform my best on Saturday.

Last week I went in for my annual physical at the local plasma donating center, and one of the things they look for in dynamic changes over the year is irregular weight loss so I told the nurse right away I have been working out a lot and eating better and that I have dropped a lot of weight in the last year. Sure enough, a year prior I was at 225, and at the beginning of 2012 when I started working out I was pushing 240.

During this timeframe I only cheated my pizza plan once when I was visiting my cousin during my vacation in Milwaukee. She is a vegan, and we went out to eat at this nice Italian restaurant. She kept talking up how she was looking forward to this vegan Lavosh (sp?) pizza she gets there and how it is a special treat for her and I would have felt terrible if I refused the slice she offered me. I think I only had Lavosh once before, and this version seemed radically different. It was a very thin, flaky crust and had a special kind of sprinkled cheese and chopped tomatoes on it, and that was it. It was actually all right, but tasted nothing like the pizza I am accustomed to. So I only had one slice of pizza this past 100 days, and it was in all likelihood the single healthiest slice of pizza that is out there.

I am actually getting a lot of good natured grief from coworkers about my pizza quest, and they got me looking forward to having pizza again come Saturday. I already got plans to eat pizza at Rhombus Pizza shortly after the marathon, the same place where I had my last real slice of pizza a 100 days ago and next week a few coworkers want to hit up a pizza buffet in town to celebrate me vanquishing my quest. A little under a year and a half ago when I first went a 100 days without pizza, I never thought I would dare do it again. While I may have just missed my weight loss goal by 8 pounds (give or take a few come four days), I think it is another achievement and a half to go this long without pizza and fast food. I do not plan to over indulge right afterwards all the time, but that first week I can see myself having pizza two times....maybe three.

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